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Emulating a Professional Photographer

I believe this was my most successful image from this assignment. I feel that this photo really captures the same feeling as the one by William Eggleston. It is a dimly lit bedroom with a little light coming from one source in the space. I did this without totally copying Eggleston, the composition is different, the lighting is different, but the atmosphere of the two photos are very similar. I also really liked the lighting in this photo, it is slightly dark and dramatic with lots of contrast, but everything in the photo is clearly visible. The most challenging aspect of this assignment was picking a photographer I wanted to emulate that I found interesting and able to do well. Eggleston has very different from my usually photography, but I really like how this photo turned out. There is nothing particularly notable about the scene and there is a lot of blank space, but together I think it really works and makes an interesting photo. If I were to do better in the future is the same as usual, dedicating more time to the project so my ideas are fully formed and I can trial different options so my photos are as good as they can be.

Comment on Classmates Post:

Julia Diamond

Hi Emma!!

I think this photo is really cool. I think you did a great job emulating the feelings and ideas in the photo by Taylor-Wood without copying it exactly. It was smart to use a jersey to represent athleticism and making the photo black and white to match the original. I also think the lighting looks really cool. I think you could've even gone more contrasty in your photo since the original has very strong distinction between black and white. Great job with your photo!

Dec 8, 2024

2 min read




Comments (1)

sarah chambers
Dec 09, 2024

I love the capture of your room like this and how it connects to the feel through your artist emulation. the lighting and focus of the photo helps the feel of it also. The simplicity is definitely prominent, but the feel it gives and little parts make it what it is. To make it more appealing maybe a different medium to capture through to see if the focus and subject remain. I feel drawn to this image because it provides the comfort and emotion we relate to the space of our room.

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